As you enter our bedroom you're greeted with our 'gifted' Hotel Vitale Newspaper. I promise I didn't steal it- the Hotel staff just happened to load it into our car the day after our wedding, so I like to think that they 'gave' it to us. And I like that it makes our room feel kinda hotely.

Right away you check out my 'Street Chic Chair' with a picture from Hawaii that I got on my 26th Birthday.

To the right is our dresser with our 'wall-o-pictures.' Please excuse the crooked frames and the sunlight reflection:

I tried to use this fabulous tutorial from the awesome kids at Young House Love as my guide.
To the left is our bookcase:

And unfortunately, the wall above it is still empty- I still need to frame our Ketubah.
And next to the book case, you finally get to the bed with our old duvet:

Mr. Spice's side of the bed with evidence that he's getting his MBA:

At this point in the tour I was greeted by a furry friend:

The 'Before' bed shot with my nine year old duvet and yes, that is the 'ruined' luxury throw:

Due to the possibility (knock on wood) of earthquakes in CA, it's best not to risk hanging anything above your bed. But this wall taunted me with it's emptiness, so I solved the problem with some super light plastic flowers that hang via magnetic thumb tacks.
All of a sudden, the other furry guy got jealous and joined me on my tour:

My side of the bed- with my 'retro' alarm clock.

And of course, at this point Mr. Spice was wondering where everyone was, so he joined in on the action:

So there it is. Our Bedroom before the new added pop of color.
And just in case you care where is it from:
Bed, dresser, bookcase and bedside tables- Hand-me-downs (we think they are from C&B)
Mirror- CB2 (the only new thing we bought when we moved).
Lamps- the one on the left is from the C&B outlet and the one on the right is from a friend's garage. I believe both lamp shades are Target.
Flowers above the bed- Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Alarm Clock- Walgreens (2006)
Current Duvet- Pottery Barn from 2001.
Green Pillows- Pottery Barn.
Rug- West Elm (which we highly don't recommend).
Doggie- Ventura County Animal Shelter.
Kitty- an abandoned house.
Husband- hummm, not sure where's he's from?? Mars?
So what do you think?? Are you ready for the after pictures? Stay tuned.