I am writing this post a few days late, Week 10 day, 5, because I have just been exhausted. I was so tired on Sunday that I never even left the house. All my big weekend plans- out the window. If it weren't for my rock star husband, we would no longer have clean dishes (I can't even seem to get them in the dishwasher) and poor Huckleberry would never get his evening walk.
From my last doctor's appointment, I have gained two pounds, which doesn't sound bad, but for someone at my starting weight, I am only supposed to gain between 15-25 pounds. Yikes-ers. Considering Baby Jaws is the size of a kumquat and weighs only a quarter of an ounce, I am a bit paranoid about gaining weight this early.
I will say that am starting to embrace my emerging belly- my uterus is already the size of a grapefruit!! But I don't love that I can only fit into two pair of pants and that I'll be wearing shirts that look like potato sacks for the next few weeks to hide my belly.
I tried to venture into a maternity store on Saturday, but no joke, the guy wouldn't really let me past the front desk with the belly bands and belly belts. He said everything else would just look ridiculous on me right now. Since my pants are already digging into my stomach, I can't say I agreed with him- I really just wanted some pants. And I was ready to throw down some cash for some designer maternity jeans. Oh well. I purchased a belly band and left.
For now, Kumquat and I will just have to keep being miserable at my desk. Am I done with the first tri yet?? If you can't tell, I am not really a fan.