We've been hosting lots and lots of folks, and last Sunday was the first time in almost 4 weeks that we had a family day to relax. The Mister and I were talking about how the longer we settle in, the longer we want to stay. My parents still live in the home that I was brought home from the hospital, while J's parents moved around a lot more. Most notably, when he was 10. Unless we relocate out of wine country, I just don't see us moving for another 7-8 years, and even then, we are getting really attached to our little neighborhood (and pool).
So all that to say, we have super long term plans to gut, remodel, upgrade- the whole sha-bang. But until then, we are doing a lot of in-progress/make it work/do with whatya got stuff.
While I am not really blogging these days, I do love the idea of an annual house tour to show you all my little projects from the year. Please note- a few are DIY fails, so don't look too close at anything. Here's my latest and greatest- upgrading the bathrooms by painting the vanities. The last time I showed the bathrooms was back in August 2012!
Let's start with the before pictures. Kid/ Guest bath:
This tan/yellow was on every wall in the house and the linoleum was yellowing where the glue was:
Sliding glass doors are a Mother's worst enemy- bath time was painful:
More blah:
The master, same blah. But this time with a mullet. Carpet in the front, linoleum in the back. PARTY!
If you remember when we moved in, we immediately redid the floors, which was the perfect decision. Everything else was usable, but the floors felt like a gym locker room- I DID not want to have to wear shower shoes to feel comfortable in my own house. We choose hex while glossy tiles form the tiles shop for both bathrooms- bought during a Memorial Day sale. I debated doing marble in the master, but alas, this thing called a budget got in the way. We had them professionally done for just over $1,000 for both.
Would I change my decision? No. Maybe I would have done matte instead of gloss or larger 2-inch hexs, but overall, I love looking at my tile with gray grout every day!!
Ok, so on to the afters- or upgrades.
Progress 2012:
Inspiration for the Guest/Kid bathroom:
I was advised by some great ladies to skip the green. So I created a pinterest board. I wish this picture was less yellow, but here's what I ended up with:
Master Pre-paint Vanity:
2014 After:
The paint still needs some touch up, but over all I am soo in love with the color that I used it in both bathrooms. It's Dunn Edwards, Jeff Lewis Atlantic. It's gorgeous.
I'd say bother are a pretty great upgrade, no? The only real money we put into the bathrooms have been: the floors, the master vanity knobs, the hooks, paint and new shower heads. So much better, but still a work in progress!!
Oh, and please don't forget:
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