Guess what was gone by day three?

The ugly stained guest bath room floors.
Look how gorgeous the new floors look already:

Bathroom floors! Glorious floors!!
Well, at least the tile was put down in the Kids/Guest Bath. (You can also get a glimpse of the wall color in the picture above. I am still not 100% certain on the color, but it looks SOOOOO much better with the new floors.)
Now I can't wait to see it with the grout and base boards back up!!
Speaking of grout. I came home to an entire array of grout choices:
Who knew there were so many?? As I mentioned before, and as you can see above, we are going with a dark gray grout, Shadow.
Want an up close look:
My second choice was Windsor, but it was a bit too blue. I am hoping that Shadow is a good combo between being too light- aka you can see all the dirt, and too dark- aka it over shadows the tile itself.
What do you think? Do you like the tile and the grout color??
More importantly, what do you think of the blue walls. Can't wait for it to be done- and show an after photo.