Off to enjoy a beautiful sunny weekend with Mr. Spice. Looking forward to the farmer's market, babysitting, a beach clean up and otherwise soaking in life.
Speaking of life, I've been obsessed with this flower picture all week: Thank you Cyd at The Sweetest Occasion for sharing them.
Big, huge, ginormous week in the Sugar and Spice household. We weathered the storm- and MR. SPICE GOT A JOB!!
Whooo Hoooo.
I can't tell you how excited he is. Not only is the job a great fit, but it's a step in the right direction and the company seems to really truly care about their employees (man, what a change from his previous jobs).
Thank you to all you lovely readers who gave such support to us. I realize how ridiculously lucky we are that he found a job so quickly. I promise at some point, I'll do a follow up post going into the nitty gritty of life with a House Husband, but right now I am just too excited to dwell on the past three months.
To celebrate, we did something crazy- we bought a new car!! Again, I promise to go through the whole rational of buying a new car, why we didn't buy a hybrid, and how to navigate through the car buying process.
But for now, let me introduce you to our new little friend:
(Our new Subaru Impreza 2.5i Wagon).
It's been raining off and on all week here in SF, BUT in Sugar and Spice Land, the sun is out and Spring has finally sprung. Seriously, this morning we just sat in the new car playing with all the fun gadgets. Neither of us have ever had a new car before, so it feels extra special.
So tell me, is the sun out where you are? Any big life changes to celebrate?
How was everyone's Earth Day? Thank you for everyone who took my short and very non-scientific survey.
As promised, I said that I'd reveal our eco-score. And I hope you aren't surprised when I say, even we don't get a perfect 10. Being eco-friendly is tough, and it often leads to trade offs and compromises. This is Modern Organic Living- meaning- I am a women living in modern times with modern constraints. Sometimes going organic or eco-friendly can sometimes cost a whole hell of a lot more!
And again, if I am honest, I am just starting to learn that sometimes the extra price is worth it. Unless I think that buying non-organic is going to kill me- I usually use a 30% rule. If going organic is going to cost me over 30% more, I often throw the non-organic stuff in the cart. (By the way, this KILLS Mr. Spice, for better or worse, he'll always go organic! Gotta love that man.)
So here's the break down of 'quiz':
1. Recycle. +1. We recycle every chance we get. Luckily, we live in a city where I can recycle at home, at work, and even on the go. This is one of those eco-friendly freebees. There is no reason not to do it.
2. Compost. +1 Thanks to the City and County of San Francisco, we JUST started doing this. It's mandatory by law for our apartment complex to offer compost. Thank our lucky starts for our bubble. For us, another eco-freebee.
3. Bring bags to the grocery store. An extra point if you keep an extra bag in your purse for quick shopping trips. Half a point if you have a big purse and skip the bag by shoving everything in it. +1. I am going to admit that we don't always bring our bags. Sometimes you just can't plan when you are going to go to the store, BUT even if you bring your own bag 50% of the time- you are again doing another eco-freebee. I can't stress this enough- KEEP a bag in your purse. And when faced with the option- paper or plastic. Choose Paper.
4. CFL. When a light burns out in your home, do you replace it with a Compact Florescent Light Bulb? +1. Here's another eco-confession, I like traditional lights over CFLs. That said, Mr. Spice and the environment win out on this one too. Whenever a light burns out in our apartment- a CFL finds a home. And honestly, it's reflected in our energy bill. This isn't an automatic eco-freebee, but over time the planet and your pocket book will love you.
5. Use public transportation. Half a point if you drive a hybrid or high miles per gallon car or carpool. +1 for me, and +0.5 for Mr. Spice. Again, living in a City with awesome public transportation saves me. Unfort, when Mr. Spice was working- he was driving, but I will say that he almost always picked folks up along the way.
6. Buy local and/ or organic produce. An extra point if you buy organic clothes or house items. +0.5, +0.5. As I stated above, I don't always buy organic. EKK. I try my best, and sometimes that's just as good as it gets.
7. Take short showers and turn off the water when you brush your teeth. +0.75. Growing up during a major drought in LA in the 80s, I am the queen of short showers. But every now and then, I love a nice long shower. Sometimes it's just good for the soul.
8. Only run the dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load. +1. Since we have to trek all of our stuff down to the basement to do laundry and we pay for it- we only do laundry when we have a huge stack. And waiting to run the dishwasher until it is full- well, that's just common sense. This is an eco-freebee that everyone should be doing.
9. Reduce your footprint by living in a smaller house or apartment. +1. Just like, E from Philly, we get this one more due to our financial status. We live in a one-bedroom apartment because that's what we can afford. Yet, since we know that we can live in a small space- we really don't ever see ourselves in a huge McMansion.
Jessica asked why this is such a big deal, well, let's start with the obvious, bigger house- more stuff and the higher cost to heat, water, operate, etc. I hope to expand on this in the future.
10. Using or replacing appliances or windows with energy efficient appliances. 0. We get a big fat zero for this one. I hope that one day when we own a home we'll buy energy efficient appliances, but right now we are stuck with what our landlord has to offer. A big fat downside to renting.
So drum roll, 8.5. I am well aware that we could do better, but I try. My very best. I am a modern girl, living in a modern material world.
A huge shout out to S from Habit for coming in at a big, fat 9 points!! Hop on over and check out her awesome blog.
So honestly, is there an eco-friendly item on the list that you could be doing that you don't? Any green or eco-friendly tips that you want to know more about??
Well, Hello My Lovely Readers!! It's early mornin' on this side of the states, and while I am looking out on blue skies and a some sun, I can't believe that I woke up to such a major disaster in Louisiana:
It's just one more reminder that Earth Day is really important.
Anywho, what I really wanted to focus on is a little reader poll. As you may know, the last two weekends Mr. Spice and I were traveling to two VERY different parts of the Country. Our first trip to Kansas left us a bit shocked and awed. Shocked at the amount of polystyrene (aka styrofoam) and the lack of recycling, and awed at the Earth Day exhibits at the big chain stores, such as Starbucks and Barnes and Noble. The second trip, down to a farm in Santa Ynez, made us want to permanently retreat out to the Country. Every. Single. Item was recycled or composted. The scraps were fed to the chickens, the flowers fresh cut from the garden only to be put in the compost bin at the end of their life, the pool was heated via solar panels, and the strawberries, artichokes, and eggs were grown on site.
Ahhh. It was heaven.
These two weekends left Mr. Spice and I wondering- how much of a bubble do we live in?? So, here's a list of 10 items that seem basic, but I'd love to know how many of you actually do them.
Each item is one point, tally up the points and let me know where you fall. OR since this list is just a start- let me know what you do to be green.
1. Recycle.
2. Compost.
3. Bring bags to the grocery store. An extra point if you keep an extra bag in your purse for quick shopping trips. Half a point if you have a big purse and skip the bag by shoving everything in it.
4. CFL. When a light burns out in your home, do you replace it with a Compact Florescent Light Bulb?
5. Use public transportation. Half a point if you drive a hybrid or high miles per gallon car or carpool.
6. Buy local and/ or organic produce. An extra point if you buy organic clothes or house items.
7. Take short showers and turn off the water when you brush your teeth.
8. Only run the dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load.
9. Reduce your footprint by living in a smaller house or apartment.
10. Using or replacing appliances or windows with energy efficient appliances.
I am really interested to know how my readers rate on this poll. Being eco-friendly is really important to Mr. Spice and I, and yet at the same time, I feel like I often ignore the 'organic' in Organic Modern Living.
SO, my pledge to you, the reader- to bring back the organic. Tomorrow I'll reveal my score, and how we incorporate 'eco-friendliness' into our lives.
Mr. Spice and I had an amazing trip down to Santa Ynez Wine Country. We went down to help some family friends pour their wine at the Santa Barbara Vintner's Festival, and for the Mister to make some job connections.
Since the purpose of the weekend was to support Mr. Spice, and not my blog, I reluctantly kept my camera in my purse all weekend. BUT I wish I could have captured Mr. Spice feeding the chickens or kicking ass at bocce ball.
Overall, I think between tasting an array of great wine, getting out in the country, and eating some amazing food (homemade tortillas anyone?), we did a good job at tasting and enjoying life.
After all the wine networking on Saturday, we got to trek down to Ventura and hang with my Brother, SIL, and my Niece and Nephew on Sunday afternoon. The trip was much too short, but I'll take every second I can get with those two little rascals.
I walked away super duper impressed with my Niece's Kindergarten class. Apparently every Monday, one of the Mom's brings in a fresh, organic veggie or fruit from the local farmer's market for the kids to try. They just ask each kid to take once bite of everything- if they don't like it they don't have to eat it. But at least they tried it. What an amazing concept. Her favorite thing so far that she's tried is purple carrots:
I don't think I've even tried purple carrots. I was/am beyond amazed with this program at her public school. With all of this talk about Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution, it makes me warm and fuzzy that my Niece is becoming such a smart little girl.
So, if an unknown piece of food were placed in front of you- would you taste it or take a pass?
Ekkk. Mr. Spice and I's first wedding anniversary is the end of next month- May 30th in case you want to send a gift. Just kidding.
Actually, I am not kidding, we are still getting wedding gifts. Can I tell you how awesome it is to receive a gift 10 months later- well, it rocks my socks. Especially when it's an amazing fantastic set of bowls from Heath. Yep, we got these babies last week. Are you jealous? You should be. (Again, just kidding).
Heath Ceramics rocks, and this new summer line is GOR-GEOUS. I dream of using their tiles for a kick ass fireplace some day. Well, more likely, I will be the crazy lazy showing up every day to hand pick out there seconds from their Sausalito based store. (I hear that every day in the afternoon, they sell their 'second' rate quality stuff for a 'cheaper' price).
Did you get gifts off your registry that you love?
Mr. Spice and I have a rough weekend ahead. We are off to Santa Ynez to a Family Friend's Winery to do some networking in hopes of getting him a job. Having a Husband in the wine industry is tough. Wish us luck. I know my posting was on the light side this week, but good things to come, I promise.
Hey Lovely Readers, I am alive, but struggling through the week. A four hour delay in Houston on our way back from Kansas on Sunday has left me beyond exhausted. Since I just can't get sleeping off the brain, I thought I'd post a pic of one of my favorite bedrooms of the moment...
Source. Who knew I was so into farmhouse chic, but I love that barn door in the house- almost as much as I love farmhouse sinks. I guess I am not as much of a City girl as I thought- ekk.
As those of you who have been following me for awhile know, I have been searching for my passion this year. And what you may have also noticed is my lack of follow up posts to find my passion.
Well, how can I say this... Life comes at you fast, and Mr. Spice and I have been trying to hold ourselves above water the last couple of months.
Some of you may know by my tweets, but Mr. Spice has been on the job hunt something fierce the last two months. His company decided to move, and not take him with them. Hurumf.
He was officially laid off last Friday. BIG SIGH.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again- my Husband is my #1 passion in life. He's my best friend, my love, my one and only. So right now Mr. Spice and I are holding onto the life raft of life. We're working hard on finding his passion. His reason to get up in the morning.
When people often talk about the highs and lows of marriage, I always want to know what they mean. I want to pry into their lives and ask them about the lows. I've always thought that if I knew what rocky waters were coming our way, I'd be more prepared. But after treading in the water for almost two months- I've realized that the only thing that can prepare you for the lows is a strong relationship during the highs.
Be it a blessing or a curse, I've always been able to communicate with Mr. Spice- I've never been able to hide how I am feeling. It floods out. And I think* that this open communication is whats keeping us going. And from keeping both of us from falling apart.
Someone told me that couples often reflect fondly on the hard times. They look back and realize that through everything going on around them- they still had each other. I am starting to understand this.
I am well aware that losing a job is not the end of the world, and that people are going through far greater tough times than we are. I also expect worse things to happen to us over our life times. But right now, it's our storm to get through. And hopefully (knock on wood) the low of our first year of marriage.
As Mr. Spice's #1 fan, I am routing him on. Times may be tight now, but at least we're holding on together. I am sure we'll hit land soon. source.
Anyone else hitting some bumpy waters?
*I'll let you know on our 50 year anniversary if our goal of open communication actually works.
What do you think of our Ikea Expedit book shelf? I picked out the book case and Mr. Spice choose the color.
We actually have two, and I love them. They may not be Organic, but they seem pretty well built for Ikea, I can't imagine them not going with a future place we live, and honestly, before we had them, all of our books were on the floor. My parents thought that was pretty pathetic, so they spotted us some cash for Christmas- and voila. A home for our books. {The newspaper basket is from the Container Store and the bottom pillow is also Ikea- the other two pillows are homemade}
Unlike most Ikea purchases, I really do plan on having these for years to come. And thanks to the awesome Bower Power team for helping me figure out how to dress up the top of the shelves. Can you tell which candle holders are real and which ones are from Goodwill? The lamp is another Ikea purchase from around three years ago. I am amazed that I haven't broken it- yet- knock on wood.
Where do you stash your books?
About me
I am a faux designer and diy-er Wine Country Living with my husband, our two animals- Huck and Ferris- and a baby girl- Sugar Bear. I am addicted to all things design, reading, sugar and spice. This blog is my inspiration for the Sugar and Spice Dream House, which we are now officially working on. Enjoy.