But this post isn't about my favorite topic, Sugar Bear. It's about the blessing and the curse of getting what I wanted for years- a new job with new responsibilities. (I've avoided this post because I want to keep things positive, but I am struggling and just need to share).
The new job was a bit like a transfer with a small raise and a big step up into Supervision!
Beyond a slight pay increase and supervising, I really took the job because it allowed Mr. Spice and I buy a house and work in the same community. No more commute for the Mister, saving him 2 hours in his day and soo much $$$ I can't even tell you.
Of course with benefits are negatives that I didn't really foresee. First, I work out in the country, so our offices are much more remote than my old downtown SF gig. I don't even get cell reception.
Second, I just don't have work 'friends.' Maybe this is something that will just develop over time, but with the remote location of our offices, I am just feeling stranded out here.
Third, Supervising is so much tougher than I ever imagined. To say that I am challenged on a daily basis is an understatement. Part one of the challenge: the folks I am supervising have been with this agency longer and know more technically then I do.
Part two: personalities.
Part One, I can get over and learn. Part Two coupled with Part One is what I am struggling with.
Not only do they know more than I do; I also didn't hire them, so there is a small power struggle going on. Plus, I am really really struggling with some negativity that just won't go away. I try to come from a place of positiveness, but for a few folks, everything I say is taken negatively or misconstrued.
Another wrench, I have an Acting Supervisor, whom has been a great asset in this transition, but he is 'new' to his position and not everyone likes his decisions or the direction that I am getting from him.
I think about looking for a new job, but the kicker is- being a new supervisor/ learning how to supervise is going to be tough any where. Right?? So if I give up here, will somewhere else really be that different??
I have so much more sympathy for my old supervisors. I now understand and appreciate them soo much more. (Just like having a kid- you appreciate who got you where you are today).
I don't know where this post is going. But I just had to get my struggle off my chest. I just feel like in a few situations I am in a no win situation. And I have no one around me to take the weight off my chest.
I've started to reach out to other folks who supervise and get their opinion or feedback. But this learning curve is no joke. And being the new kid is NO fun.
Deep breaths.
Thank you for letting me just lay it all out there. Any suggestions are totally appreciated!!
Hang in there. I really think your employees are testing you to see what your limits are. Maybe you could try approaching them and explain how much you appreciate their knowledge and what they bring to the office. If you inflate their ego a bit they are more likely to listen to what you have to say when you are trying to make changes. That being said, don't be afraid to be firm. What you say, goes. Don't let them intimidate you. Your bosses hired you because they are confident you will do a great job!
I listen to LOTS of pod casts from the guys at manager-tools.com -- they just makes sense. Not sure what kind of managing/supervising you are doing but you may find something helpful.
I can't really relate to what you're going through, in a sense, because I'm actually in the opposite position: I'm DYING to supervise and am stuck in a really low-level position with no where to go and nothing to do, so part of me says 'embrace the challenge! I'm so bored and unfulfilled!'
But I also can somewhat relate to the difficulties. When I was in college I never once thought about how difficult it would be in a work place where people's personalities and styles of work so significantly affected my day-to-day life, and just how wearing it is to deal with the same people whose habits do not ever change.
Keep up the good work! You'll settle into a great workflow and hopefully you can set a tone of positivity that will help transform the place around you!
Thank you ladies for the support!!! I knew you'd give great advice. And Julian- I have already listened to one pod-cast, and those guys are great!!! I can't wait to listen to more!
Just wanted to say stay strong!
It's hard, but I know you can do it. Being a boss is hard but I agree that you will learn so much more about yourself if you continue for as long as you can. Also as we get more senior in our careers, management experience is really important to have. You can do it!
Supervising is hard. I am in a strange situation where I am the defacto supervisor for a lot of people and I shouldn't be. I am not their boss, they are actually more senior than me but because their own bosses don't come through and I have been on the team the longest, they come to me.
I think listening is half the battle. Sometimes people are telling you what they need and how to manage them but not in a clear way. It takes time. Also, what works for me is having a different management style for different people. Everyone is different and sometimes your approach needs to be individualized.
I know things will get better for you. You are such a great person, I can't imagine anyone not liking you once they get to know you. :)
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